Mail Fulfillment

You’ll never see results from your direct mail campaign if no one receives it. It’s all about the delivery, and Xpress has you covered.

Xpress Media has the capabilities and experience to meet all of your mail fulfillment challenges. From a self-mailer to a die-cut folder with personalized insert, our direct mail team always provides fast turnaround of a high-quality product at the price you need.

With Xpress, you’ll always get the best possible postage rates, because we are experts on all postal rules and regulations, postage discounts and presorting.

Maximize your delivery efficiency with our mail fulfillment services, including:

  • Mailing
  • Inkjet Addressing
  • Inserting
  • NCOA Certification
  • CASS Certification
  • Zip+4
  • Postal Tracking
  • Database Work
  • Barcoding
  • Collating
  • Folding
  • Metering
  • Applying live stamps
  • Automated Insertion
  • Tabbing
  • Sorting

Direct mail can be an extremely effective marketing tool, but it will only work if it’s executed properly.

Now that your mail piece is printed, let us take care of the delivery! Contact an Xpress fulfillment specialist today at 855-977-3777 to get started with your next mail campaign.

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1069 Main Street, Suite 223
Holbrook, NY 11741