Television Advertising

The average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day. The television production team at Xpress Media can help you utilize this powerful medium to communicate with your target audience and get trackable results.

Television advertising is at an all time low-cost, which means smaller dealerships and businesses can easily appear on local networks with national brands. Xpress Media has an award-winning production team that can create anything from a small :15 test campaign to a 30 minute infomercial.

We can produce advertisements for:

  • Broadcast
  • Cable TV
  • Satellite TV
  • Web

Our fully-produced commercials include:

  • Custom copywriting
  • Full Production (on-premises shoots available)
  • Custom professional voiceovers
  • Professional editing
  • Web-ready video clips

Xpress TV commercials can raise brand awareness, improve sales figures and bring in more customers than ever before. We will get people talking about your brand with our strategic creative solutions. Contact a television production specialist at Xpress today to learn more!

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1069 Main Street, Suite 223
Holbrook, NY 11741